Friday 19 October 2018

Double airtight plant packaging! Worldwide innovative idea in practice!

How much would you pay for shipping costs for just a small plant cutting, in order to arrive safely to you? Regularly - if not always - the vendors include in their final price the costs for packaging materials. These make - for sure - the final product more expensive.

Here at AirShipped © we have come up with a great solution and an innovative idea that will solve this problem of high shipping costs once and for all.

The materials so far

The materials that are - so far - used to ship plant cuttings nationally and internationally, are specific. Some of them offer great security against crashing, they are relatively lightweight, but they can only be used for quite small items. Or, they offer good resistance against crashing, but they are heavy, which means higher shipping costs.

The problem

You have paid a - relatively - significant amount of money for shipping costs, and despite the Fragile handle with care sticker visible on the package, your plant cutting arrived crashed or severely pressed. Of course there's nothing to prevent an accident if it's about to happen. But there's something that offers great resistance against crashes, plus, it is lightweight, which means less money to pay for shipping costs. Cardboard boxes are being used because they offer a good resistance against crashes, but in fact they do not offer high protection against crashes. With a little more pressure, they collapse. Plus, they are heavy.

The solution

- What is lighter than paper/cardboard then?
Plastic packaging is lighter than paper and cardboard packages, but those that are lighter than cardboard, they lack the necessary protection against crashes.

- What about... air?
Here comes our innovative idea in practice, to fill the gap between high shipping costs and resistance against crashes, with... air! When air - the most lightweight substance there is available for free - can be combined with a plastic packaging, then the result is an almost stealth-resistant package! We added the word almost, because - as we already stated - there's nothing that can prevent an accident if it's about to happen. But AirShipped © offers a great level of security against crashes. And that comes with no additional costs whatsoever! *

The product

(1) Bubble wrap, a lightweight material which has already air in the form of air-bubbles, is packed up airtight with the purchased item within it, and thus we have the first layer of an airtight package.

(2) The airtight bubble-wrapped package, is packed up then for a second time in a plastic shipping bag, airtight. The outcome is a double hermetically sealed, airtight, and lightweight package, lower than 3 cm (1.18 in), and able to fit through the mailbox. A secure and lightweight package which is extremely resistant to crashes.

The benefits

Our two-layered hermetically-sealed airtight packaging offers the benefits of:

  • lightweight packaging (much less shipping costs)
  • advanced safety even for the more delicate plants
  • greater resistance to crashes than a cardboard box
  • can be combined with a cardboard box packaging to provide even more safety
  • no additional costs for our innovative idea! *

click on the image ^ for a larger view
*you only pay + € 0,50 for the bubble wrap once for each package

AirShipped ©